Friday, November 26, 2010

happy thanksmoon honeygiving!

long travel days often yield two things: an immense feeling of wonder and excitement at discovering a new world and total panic at not knowing where you are or where to go!

we left huntsville bright and early this morning at 8:23 am CST (thanks Caroline!) and the airport was completely deserted.  we zipped through security complete with detector and explosive materials scan and stood at our gate mere minutes after arriving.    we connected to denver, colorado where the temperature was a disgusting 28 degrees.  my mom prodded me into exploiting my and logan's love-celebration-trip by telling anyone and everyone that we're on our thanksmoon honeygiving, so please give us free stuff/upgrades, thanks a bunch.

hollywood would have you think that everyone in the world of travel is just combing the masses of tourists that flood to paradise like cattle for a sweet young couple to give free things to.  before you go embarassing yourselves, let me inform you that when you tell the airport check-in lady "hey is the plane full?  we were wondering if you had any space for a honeymoon upgrade ..." she will look at you with total loathing and say "we DO have an upgrade for $69 per guest but we don't do complimentary upgrades - even if you are on your honeymoon."  noted.

eight hour flight morphed into a 6.5 hour flight (yay!) and a sorceror's apprentice and a dispicable me later, we were landing in honolulu!  gorgeous!

and now let's examine the scene of the crime.  by crime i mean the anxiety attack.  i thought it would be longer before i had a massive worry overdose, but, alas, a mere 20 minutes after de-planing i had a one way ticket to dispairville.

as many of you know, i suffer from obsessive behavior.  so, duh, for months i have been researching everything about our vacay including rental cars.  just TWO days ago i turned down an online offer to rent a car for a week for $175 because i thought we might find something better in person.  WRONG.  oh so dreadfully incorrect.  every rental car counter we went to quoted us well over $300.  omg.  at this time, the car rental issue remains unresolved.  stay tuned.

fast forward two hours and we made it via arbitrarily numbered bus lines to our hotel.  magnificent!  now here is a place that understands undeserved attention and greed - we were upgraded for free to an oceanview room in the beachfront tower!  please don't hold back your pent-up jealous rage, it's bad for your health.

so logan and i spent a fabulous evening drinking free (thank you, embassy suites!) mai tais and blue hawaiians and walking along wakiki beach. 

bedtime is weighing heavily on my eyelids, so, until tomorrow fair loved ones!

1 comment:

  1. You'll have to draw a picture (ala, you, Logan and Lola on the couch - loved that one) of y'all in Hawaii when you get back. We miss you. Can't wait for Christmas.
